About Us:
The Pietri Lab is affiliated with the Department of Entomology, Center for Urban & Industrial Pest Management, Department of Biological Sciences, and Institute of Inflammation, Immmunology & Infectious Disease at Purdue University. We are broadly focused on understanding the complex relationships between insects and the microbes that they host, from the organismal to the molecular level. Our work lies at the intersection of medical and urban entomology. That is, we are interested primarily in insects and arthropods that have adverse effects on health in and around human dwellings. Many blood-feeding urban arthropods such as mosquitoes, lice, and ticks are well known to transmit numerous disease-causing microorganisms to humans during the feeding process. Additionally, others such as bed bugs, cockroaches, and mites are also understated contributors to infectious and allergic disease while affecting mental health. The relationships between insects and microbes encompass not only human pathogens, but also symbiotic microbes that are vital to the biology of their insect hosts, as well as entomopathogens that cause insect-specific disease. We employ diverse approaches and tools drawing from the disciplines of microbiology, insect physiology, and molecular cell biology to integratively study how insects interact with these diverse sets of microorganisms. In doing so, we aim to contribute to the development of novel environmental, biological, and chemical interventions to reduce the burden of urban insect pests and their adverse effects on health in human dwellings while also providing unique fundamental insight into the biology of infection.
Recent Lab News:
-July 2024: The lab has been awarded a 2-year R21 grant from NIH/NIAID to investigate evolution of Salmonella in cockroaches!
-April 2024: In collaboration with BanfieldBio Inc., the lab has been awarded a 3-year grant from HUD to continue our work on the development of biological control tools for bed bugs and cockroaches!
- March 2024: Christian Guerrero has joined the lab as a graduate student. Welcome Christian!
-December 2023: Diing (Gabe) Agany has joined the lab as a Postdoctoral Fellow. Welcome Gabe!
-October 2023: Postdoctoral Fellow Vincent Peta has accepted a position as a Translational Informatics Manager at the University of Minnesota Medical School. Congrats Vince!
-August 2023: Landen Van Hulzen and Bashar Ismael have joined the lab as graduate students. Welcome Landen and Bashar!
-July 2023: Jose Pietri has been appointed to a 4-year term as a chartered member of the NIH transmission of vector-borne and zoonotic diseases (TVZ) study section. Congrats Jose!
-June 2023: Kylene Guse has joined the lab as a Postdoctoral Fellow. Welcome Ky!
-May 2023: Masters student Lauren Kress has accepted a position as a dual degree DDS/PhD student at the University of Minnesota. Congrats Lauren!
-November 2022: The lab has been awarded a 5-year R01 grant from NIH/NIAID to investigate the dynamics and mechanisms of Salmonella transmission by cockroaches!
-October 2022: The lab has been awarded a 3-year grant from HUD to investigate relationships between bed bugs and emerging human pathogens!
-April 2024: In collaboration with BanfieldBio Inc., the lab has been awarded a 3-year grant from HUD to continue our work on the development of biological control tools for bed bugs and cockroaches!
- March 2024: Christian Guerrero has joined the lab as a graduate student. Welcome Christian!
-December 2023: Diing (Gabe) Agany has joined the lab as a Postdoctoral Fellow. Welcome Gabe!
-October 2023: Postdoctoral Fellow Vincent Peta has accepted a position as a Translational Informatics Manager at the University of Minnesota Medical School. Congrats Vince!
-August 2023: Landen Van Hulzen and Bashar Ismael have joined the lab as graduate students. Welcome Landen and Bashar!
-July 2023: Jose Pietri has been appointed to a 4-year term as a chartered member of the NIH transmission of vector-borne and zoonotic diseases (TVZ) study section. Congrats Jose!
-June 2023: Kylene Guse has joined the lab as a Postdoctoral Fellow. Welcome Ky!
-May 2023: Masters student Lauren Kress has accepted a position as a dual degree DDS/PhD student at the University of Minnesota. Congrats Lauren!
-November 2022: The lab has been awarded a 5-year R01 grant from NIH/NIAID to investigate the dynamics and mechanisms of Salmonella transmission by cockroaches!
-October 2022: The lab has been awarded a 3-year grant from HUD to investigate relationships between bed bugs and emerging human pathogens!